5 Easily Prevented Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries can sometimes be inevitable, but more often than not, it can be prevented with enough mindfulness and following safety guidelines. Prevention is ultimately better than cure since having an accident poses the risk of taking a few days off of work, or even losing the ability to do your job.

According to Hunter Law Group, a known personal injury attorney Tampa, there are many ways that workplace injury can affect your life:

  • Disruption of your daily routine – when you suffer from a major or minor injury, you may require hospitalization or days of rest. You have to take a break, and this may be disruptive to your usual flow of life.
  • Fixing medical bills and other documents – the hassle of completing all your documentation and filing your medical bills can be stressful. This adds to the already physical stress that you are experiencing during a workplace injury.
  • Inhibiting your body to perform certain tasks – some workplace injuries can allow you to fully recover, while some run the risk of having a permanent damage. Thus, it is better to prevent any form of workplace injury from the beginning.

What are some workplace injuries that can easily be avoided? Personal injury attorney Tampa company Hunter Law Group outlines these 5 kinds of injuries and how to prevent them.

5 Easily Prevented Workplace Injuries


  1. Being struck by an object

People who operate heavy machinery run the risk of having this type of injury. Being struck by an object can cause bruises, fractures, or worse, loss of a body part. To prevent this, workers must wear protective gear such as hard hats and vests. Additionally, they should also avoid standing by a location where an object could potentially strike them in case a malfunction happens.

  1. Sprains or strains

Another workplace injury that is quite common but easily preventable is sprains or strains. Muscle sprains are caused by overstretching, and it is usually caused by heavy lifting or full exertion of the muscle. To avoid this, people must practice the correct posture when lifting objects, such as using a 90-degree angle of the knees. They can also use common tools to distribute the weight, such as a wheelbarrow, a pushcart, or any item that takes the load off lifting the object.

  1. Slips and falls

Slips and falls are the common cause of death and injuries in the construction industry. When people slip or fall, they have the risk of fractures and traumatic head injuries which can be very debilitating. Slips and falls can easily be prevented by placing anti-slip mats and providing an ample amount of walkway for workers. The workers can also wear safety shoes which are designed to grip better even in seemingly slippery surfaces.

  1. Cuts or wounds

Cuts and wounds are quite common in the manufacturing and hospitality industry. This is because people commonly deal with sharp objects when workers get into the process of handling items. To avoid this, workers should be taught the proper tool handling, especially for new workers who may not have refined skills. Additionally, people can also wear protective gear such as gloves to prevent lacerations in the body. The simple act of paying full attention to the task can also help in preventing cuts and wounds.

  1. Auto or machinery accidents

Machinery accidents are either caused by human error or malfunction. When people operate machinery, it is important to check their mental and physical status. Some people may be too stressed or drowsy to drive a car or operate equipment. Workers should not attempt to operate any high-risk equipment if they are not in top condition. Same as cuts and wounds, machinery accidents can be prevented if people can learn to pay attention more.

These workplace injuries may be common, but they can be easily prevented with the right guidelines, equipment, and attentiveness.