5 Easily Prevented Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries can sometimes be inevitable, but more often than not, it can be prevented with enough mindfulness and following safety guidelines. Prevention is ultimately better than cure since having an accident poses the risk of taking a few days off of work, or even losing the ability to do your job.

According to Hunter Law Group, a known personal injury attorney Tampa, there are many ways that workplace injury can affect your life:

  • Disruption of your daily routine – when you suffer from a major or minor injury, you may require hospitalization or days of rest. You have to take a break, and this may be disruptive to your usual flow of life.
  • Fixing medical bills and other documents – the hassle of completing all your documentation and filing your medical bills can be stressful. This adds to the already physical stress that you are experiencing during a workplace injury.
  • Inhibiting your body to perform certain tasks – some workplace injuries can allow you to fully recover, while some run the risk of having a permanent damage. Thus, it is better to prevent any form of workplace injury from the beginning.

What are some workplace injuries that can easily be avoided? Personal injury attorney Tampa company Hunter Law Group outlines these 5 kinds of injuries and how to prevent them.

5 Easily Prevented Workplace Injuries


  1. Being struck by an object

People who operate heavy machinery run the risk of having this type of injury. Being struck by an object can cause bruises, fractures, or worse, loss of a body part. To prevent this, workers must wear protective gear such as hard hats and vests. Additionally, they should also avoid standing by a location where an object could potentially strike them in case a malfunction happens.

  1. Sprains or strains

Another workplace injury that is quite common but easily preventable is sprains or strains. Muscle sprains are caused by overstretching, and it is usually caused by heavy lifting or full exertion of the muscle. To avoid this, people must practice the correct posture when lifting objects, such as using a 90-degree angle of the knees. They can also use common tools to distribute the weight, such as a wheelbarrow, a pushcart, or any item that takes the load off lifting the object.

  1. Slips and falls

Slips and falls are the common cause of death and injuries in the construction industry. When people slip or fall, they have the risk of fractures and traumatic head injuries which can be very debilitating. Slips and falls can easily be prevented by placing anti-slip mats and providing an ample amount of walkway for workers. The workers can also wear safety shoes which are designed to grip better even in seemingly slippery surfaces.

  1. Cuts or wounds

Cuts and wounds are quite common in the manufacturing and hospitality industry. This is because people commonly deal with sharp objects when workers get into the process of handling items. To avoid this, workers should be taught the proper tool handling, especially for new workers who may not have refined skills. Additionally, people can also wear protective gear such as gloves to prevent lacerations in the body. The simple act of paying full attention to the task can also help in preventing cuts and wounds.

  1. Auto or machinery accidents

Machinery accidents are either caused by human error or malfunction. When people operate machinery, it is important to check their mental and physical status. Some people may be too stressed or drowsy to drive a car or operate equipment. Workers should not attempt to operate any high-risk equipment if they are not in top condition. Same as cuts and wounds, machinery accidents can be prevented if people can learn to pay attention more.

These workplace injuries may be common, but they can be easily prevented with the right guidelines, equipment, and attentiveness.


How To Properly Research A Company Before Your Interview

Before the day of the job interview, it is wise to get to know more about the company. If you do a good research, you will prepare to answer the questions in the interview and also ask some questions to the interviewer. During the background research, you will also find out if the company culture is a good fit. Prepare in advance to get as much information as you can from the internet about the company. You can also tap into your network and find out who knows a bit about the company and even if someone has ever interviewed them before. To help you prepare Chrissy Weems would like to share with you six tips on how to do a background search on a company.

6 Tips on how to research a company for a job interview

Check the company website

The first place to start is the company website. On the website, you can go through the company’s mission and vision statement, learn about its history, its management, product and services and more about the company culture. This information is normally available on the About Us part of the website. You can also go through the Press section and read the featured links that have been posted there.

Use LinkedIn

The company profiles on LinkedIn are a great way to glance for more information on the company you are doing a background check on. You will have the opportunity to look at your connections at the company, you will also be able to look at their promotions, new hires, related companies, jobs posted and the statistics of the company. If you find that you have connections with the company, reach out to them so that they can share a perspective about the company and give you some tips on how you can score well in the interview.

Browse through social media

Check the social media accounts of the company like Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. These social sites will give you a good perspective of how the company relates to its customers and the image they portray to the customers. Follow and like the company to receive updates; this is a good channel to get more information about the company in ways you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Get an edge over the interview

You can go through interview questions and reviews from Glassdoor. On this page, you can get more information from a candidate who underwent an interview for the positions you were applying for and get to lean on the toughness of the interview. You can also get a feel for the culture of the company through the reviews; take them half-heartedly because candidates are more likely to leave reviews when they are mad about how the interview turned out.

Chrissy Weems advises that as you read through the reviews, look for a pattern that repeats itself. The more a subject is mentioned, the more accurate the information on a given subject gets.

Check Google News and Google

Search for the company name on Google News and Google. The invaluable information you can get from these sites will let you know about the current and future plans of a company. For instance, a company may be releasing a new product to the market, or the product the company produced is being recalled or has underperformed in the market.

Get to know the competitors

As much as you are researching the company, you also need to review the whole industry. For instance, if you are planning to go for an interview in a mortgage company, you need to be informed about the current trends in home ownership. Check out the company’s top competitors and find out their flaws and successes. If you gather insight on the company’s rivals, you will definitely impress the interviewers.


How Severe Does An Injury Need To Be Before It Gets Reported?

If you are injured on the job in Florida, it is imperative that you report the injury to your supervisor as soon as possible, regardless of severity. Even though an injury may seem very minor, a report still needs to be made, in case the injury becomes worse later and medical treatment or time off of work are required. Major injuries also need to be reported promptly, as do illnesses caused by working conditions.

Florida law requires the employee provide notice of the injury to the employer within 30 days of its occurrence. For example, if a worker fell and sprained his or her ankle, the worker needs to report it as soon as possible. If the worker waits more than 30 days, the claim is automatically denied. Unless the worker can plead a special circumstance, a workers’ compensation court will uphold the denial.

An exception to the 30-day rule occurs when symptoms of the injury or illness onset slowly. In the sprained ankle example, it’s reasonable to assume that the employee knows the moment he twisted his ankle. Though he may not know exactly how bad it is for a few hours or until the next day, a sprained ankle swells up quickly, so it’s unlikely he or she could get an exception to the 30-day rule.

A worker who slowly develops a back problem, carpel tunnel syndrome, or a disease will obviously have no way of pinpointing an exact time or day the injury occurred. In that case, the day the employee becomes aware of the injury or aware that it was caused by work substitutes for the day of the accident. The employee has 30 days from his or her awareness to report it to the employer.

Many claim denials hinge on whether proper notice was given. Insurance companies often try to deny claims on this basis as a first line of defense. Though they may deny the claim based on the 30-day rule, they may misapply this rule, especially in cases where the injury came on over time. Also, exceptions may apply to individual cases. Never accept an employer’s denial without speaking to a lawyer. Contact Winters & Yonkers to consult a top personal injury attorney Tampa.

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers’ compensation insurance provides for all medical treatment related to the injury or illness. When an injury occurs, the worker will be sent either to the emergency room or to see a doctor that works with the company. In either case, the company’s doctors will ultimately have great influence in how the claim is treated and even if it is approved. Any employee who feels they are not receiving the best medical treatment should consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer.

Injured workers also receive compensation for lost wages. Injuries often mean days, weeks, and even months off of work. Some cases result in permanent disability. Most employees are financially unable to handle long-term losses in income, so workers compensation provides replacement income.

Cases of severe injury can also result in pain and suffering awards. Many times, injuries of illnesses cause significant pain, as well as inability to engage in normal life activities. These losses are compensable.

Regardless of the reason or who is at fault for an accident, employees are entitled to worker’ compensation benefits. When insurance companies deny good claims to save money, good, hard-working people suffer. If you have had a workers’ compensation claim denied, assert your rights by calling a Winters & Yonker, personal injury attorney Tampa.


How to Save Your Credit While Overwhelmed By Debt

Debt Negotiation

Getting overwhelmed by debt can be a highly stressful time in one’s life. Yet aside from the overwhelming levels of stress, it can also harm your credit score and affect your ability to apply for loans in the future. With a low credit score, creditors will either outright reject your loan application or slap you with a higher-than-normal interest rate, which makes it even more difficult to repay your existing debt. To help you during these tough financial times, here are six tips on how to shield your credit from the side effects of debt:

Lower Frequency of Use 

Although it sounds counterproductive, continuing to use your credit card amidst a looming personal debt crisis can keep your scores from drastically plummeting. That being said, make sure to reduce the frequency that you use your credit card as well as the utilization rate, which pertains to the percentage of the credit card limit being used. A low utilization rate implies that you only consume a modest portion of your available line of credit, which can ultimately boost your credit score. If building or maintaining a good credit rating while in debt is your main objective, this tactic can help you achieve just that.

Use a Secured Credit Card 

Think of secured credit cards as a provisional solution. Use them with caution and avoid carrying a balance at the end of each month. The advantage of getting a secured credit card is that applicants don’t even need a strong credit score. You only need to pay a deposit with the bank or credit card issuer. The limit on your secured credit card varies based on the size of the security deposit you leave to your issuer. Similar with how you use a regular credit card, you can pay for goods and services using a secured credit card. On-time payments and a low utilization rate can help bolster an established credit record over time. But as mentioned earlier, secured credit cards should be treated as a temporary solution since it tends to charge higher maintenance fees and can lead to a hard inquiry, which can temporarily dent your score.

Carry Cash 

If it’s becoming increasingly difficult to repay your loans and credit cards, you may want to temporarily freeze your credit cards altogether. You don’t have to go to the trouble of going to your bank to cease your credit card; simply stop carrying it when you go out and instead pay for your purchases with cash. If you are still tempted to use it, you can find a lot of different ways to restrict you from using or reaching your credit card, such as freezing it in a block of ice or letting their spouse or trusted friends to hold the card for them. Regardless of what method you use, find one that works best for you and stick to it.

Get Expert Help 

Debt management agencies, like Nationwide Debt Reduction Services, can help you find the right solution for your specific situation. The range of services that companies, like Nationwide Debt Reduction Services, offer include, but are not limited to, Debt Reduction, Debt Consolidation, and Credit Counseling. You can also find a plethora of resources and tools on the website of companies, like Nationwide Debt Reduction Services, that can help you build personal and household budget plans, develop effective spending habits, and leverage credit products wisely.

Declare Rent Payments 

Ask your property manager or landlord to report your rent payments. Although traditionally not included in your credit report, this piece of information can be added to your credit history. You’ll have to make rent payments via a third-party agency that allows for reporting of rent, which usually involves a small fee for processing. In some cases, your landlord may agree to cover the fee. Credit-scoring algorithms will take this added data into consideration when calculating your credit score.

Live Healthy

Any good intentions towards saving your credit scores from the effects of debt are thrown out the window if you don’t have the right mindset. And the tactics you employ to safeguard your credit while in debt do not have to be solely related to personal finances. Sometimes, it takes the right mindset to make the right financial judgment and snap decisions. Living healthy lowers your stress and keeps you focused on the credit score-boosting strategies that you’ve set out to do. Choosing a healthy lifestyle also means lower risk of getting ill, which means job and income security as well as avoiding the ludicrously high costs of medical care.

Final Thoughts 

Keeping your credit history squeaky clean even while in debt is easy and straightforward. It requires consistent and deliberate financial habits combined with the help of experts, such as Nationwide Debt Reduction Services.

Karl Jobst: 5 Ways Dentists Give Back To The Community

Quality dentists become an integral part of their community.

Dentists not only understand the anatomy and function of the teeth, gums and mouth, but they also understand how the heart works.

Those in the profession like Karl Jobst, Grove, OK. are skilled at creating beautiful smiles, but they also develop incredible compassion for their communities and give back in so many ways. Most of them have big hearts.

Dr. Karl Jobst, D.D.S says that dentists go above and beyond the profession because their impact is huge in any town or city.

Here is how dentists change lives:

1. Continuous Education.

The advancements in dental technology have brought forth powerful tools, materials and techniques for diagnosing and treating problems with each patient. Staying ahead of the curve is how these professionals maintain a solid practice in their community and offer patients the very best in oral healthcare.

Karl Jobst’s job is never done; in other words, he has found that enrolling in dental postgraduate programs keeps him abreast of the cutting edge advancements out there, and he can bring these exciting improvements to bear for his patients. For example, Dr. Jobst decided to take classes in anesthesiology, and now, when it comes to practices offering dental IV sedation, he is one of the standouts in the Sooner State.

More education means more options for patients, and Karl Jobst, Grove, OK. is a master in cosmetic dentistry, periodontics, orthodontics and preventative dentistry.

2. Helping Underserved Communities.

Volunteerism is another aspect of being a dentist in good standing in his or her community. Dentists not only have passion for creating healthy teeth and gorgeous smiles, but they also make tremendous efforts in bringing dental treatment at no cost to the underserved, says Jobst. This makes for a healthier town or city, especially when bringing these key oral health care programs to disadvantaged children. The earlier a child seeks routine visits to the dentist the better, because excellent oral care habits begin very young.

The American Dental Association (ADA) plans a variety of volunteer programs where dental professionals can participate in their community and help the underserved. One of these famous events is called “Give Kids A Smile.”.

3. Spreading the Word.

Dental providers can play a major role in how a community stays up to date on health promotion and disease prevention. Dr. Jobst says that community water fluoridation is a safe and excellent public health measure but that more than one-third of the country’s population is lacking in this measure.

Effective disease prevention also includes educating the public about daily oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing and how these simple steps can prevent gingivitis.

Being prominent in the community and spreading the word keeps the focus on good oral health care.

4. Patients First.

Dr. Jobst enjoys a great reputation in the dental community. These days, new patients stop by via referrals, so word of mouth, so to speak, is a wonderful way for a dental practice to grow and keep its loyal base.

There are also incentives that smart dentists provide for their patients, and some of these include multiple financial options to assist the patient in affording the proper oral health care.

Dr. Jobst believes in putting the patient’s needs first. For instance, his practice at Grand Lake Dental offers a free exam for new clientele. That includes the initial consultation, complete exam and necessary x-rays. That’s a wonderful cost-saving measure that goes a long way for patients and indicates that Dr. Jobst is all about personal attention and creating a comfortable atmosphere for those who enter his practice.

He and his accommodating staff value the relationships they form with each patient.

5. Government Roles.

Dentists like Karl Jobst, Grove, OK. are there for their patients, to better the lives of people, but they also can become advocates at the local, state or even federal levels. Policymakers have perceptions that generally involve medical care, but often, they forget that there are important issues affecting dentistry that can help shape the future of the profession. Taking care of one’s teeth is as important as the good health of every other part of the human body.

Dr. Jobst believes that raising awareness of oral health among legislators and public officials at all levels of government is the best way to encourage the implementation of effective programs for all Americans.

Why Every Company Needs A Digital Marketing Plan

There are several reasons why Whitney Blodgett thinks that every company needs a digital marketing plan.


The first reason is that a written strategy is going to be able to give you some type of focus and direction. This means that the company is going to be able to know exactly what they need to do online and what tactics are going to work the best for their company. When the company is trying to get more visits on their website, they are going to be looking for new customers. If the company does not know what specific goals that they should have, then they are not going to be able to figure out what they will need to do to make sure that the company is as successful as possible. A written down strategy will help the company to come up with a powerful online presence so that they can define their targeted audience better.

Same ideas

The second reason is a digital marketing plan is going to allow everyone to be on the same page. When the company writes down all of the things that they are trying to accomplish all of their goals. When everything is written down, then the employees are going to know exactly how their goals are going to fit into the marketing priorities of the company. Plus the company will be able to measure whether or not they are actually going to be able to reach all of their goals. A written down marketing plan makes sure that everyone knows the goals of the company.

Better resources

The third reason is that the company is going to be able to get better resources. These resources are one of the best ways that the company is going to be able to accomplish all of their goals. When everything is written down, then the people who are going to be providing the company its resources are going to see exactly what the company needs to be successful. Therefore, the company can apply for the funding that they are going to need. This means that they might be able to hire more staff if it is needed. This allows the company to be a lot more efficient so that they have the opportunity to be as successful as possible. The resource providers will see that the company has a long term plan that they are going to try to reach with their resources.

No duplication

The fourth reason is that it is going to limit the amount of duplication that can happen inside of a company. Once the company has all of the resources that they need to be successful, the resources do not need to be wasted on things because the company did not have a written marketing plan that is going to outline what the company wants to do with those resources. Most of the time, this is going to happen in the larger companies because the company is going to purchase a lot of different tools and agencies that has the ability to perform the same tasks. Therefore, a written marketing plan will help to keep the company’s tasks and goals organized.


The fifth reason is that a written marketing plan is going to help the company to be optimized so that they will be able to stay ahead of the competition. When the company has a god strategy, then the company will be able to benchmark all of their activities and they can set out the goals of the company. This means that the company will be able to see what is working for them and what is not. Therefore, they will be able to make changes in the areas where they need it the most.

These are the top five reasons that Whitney Blodgett thinks that a digital marketing plan is something that every company needs to be successful.

Business Emergency Preparedness Checklist You Should Uphold

In the event of an emergency, businesses and people alike are affected. If you have been looking to sustain your business without the risk of getting into losses during an emergency, you need to understand some of the procedures that assist you to protect the business as well as facilitate recovery from the disaster. Preparedness is the key to ensuring you get complete control over the frustrations that emanate from disasters. You need to put in place plans that will not only help your employees, but also the business to stay afloat in the period after the disaster. Here are few guidelines that can help you manage your business in the face of disasters.

Understand the most likely disaster in your region

To make adequate preparation, you need to understand the emergencies that are likely to occur within your region so as to act accordingly. Find out the disasters that have occurred in the past and the impact these emergencies had on businesses as well as residents. Reviewing hazard vulnerability is necessary to help you come up with a defense mechanism that is suitable for the kind of disaster you have identified.

Who to contact when emergencies occur

To respond to disaster, you might need technical assistance, so it is also good to keep a list of contacts to reach in case an emergency occurs. These are people who are trained and prepared enough to help you deal with the emergency whenever it erupts by coming in with the required technical input. Some of the options you have in this case include the locate state police, emergency and medical services department, fire department, the emergency management office of the local government, electric and gas companies, and local red cross chapter. Keep contacts of at least three of these organizations.

Continuity operations

After the emergency, regardless of the damage that would have happened, you would also like to have business continuity. This cannot be possible when there is not enough preparedness to handle the aftermath of the disaster, so while drafting a preparedness report also make sure to include plans about continuity of operations. You need to identify staff to carry out the continuity operations and if you have information stored you need to know how to back it up so you are able to retrieve important files that would help to facilitate a continuity of the business after the disaster.

Acquire necessary emergency response tools

To also ensure you take part in thwarting the effects of the emergency, you need to have the right tools. Get tools that will help your business deal with the emergency to restore operations. One of the suppliers that can help you in this case is My Patriot Supply. The company stocks all kinds of emergency supplies and will even go ahead to offer you instructions on how to work with some of the equipment. Also remember to work on training your employees so they are able to understand how to work on reviving the business during an emergency.